Happy Mother's Day. Mom's truely never get a day off. H had a pretty good day but as I type this, she is handling laundry and kids. Since the CT tri-cycle incident, she's really become a great Mom.
Here's how Mother's day unfolded in the Taylor household: I woke up at 6:30 and took Melissa to do our Mother's Day shopping. We headed stright for Wal-Mart (where an associate tried to talk me into a Land of Frost sliced lunch meat b/f I informed her at that I represent Oscar Mayer) and bumped into a a co-work doing the same thing. Funny thing. Shoppers in Wal-Mart at 6:40AM on Mother's Day are 98% men. My Dad explained that the women plan better... they all shop the night before. With time as limited as it has been, I had a lot of shopping to do. Flowers, potting soil etc. At the end of the day, Missy and I headed home with a 4 gig Ipod and a Digital Picture Frame.
This is where the day became interesting. Jazmin and I spent the morning, and some of the afternoon going through thousands of digital photos. As many as 255 could have been duplicates. We look at the birth of all three kids, vacations to beaches, theme-parks, countless birthdays, Christmas and Easter Celebrations, and 2 of the goofiest kids on Earth along with hundreds of friends. The trip down memory lane was the most fun Jazmin and I have had in a long time. Next week is the hard copy photos.
Bonus: If you have a chance, ask Melissa to read you a Skippyjon Jones book. I HIGHLY recommend it.