Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Random Rants

Tesco opens 6 new grocery stores on the west coast. These stores are a new concept bridging the 7-11 and fresh grocer concept in a small convenient. This is to be to ultimate in convenience meets the ultimate in fresh. They are bringing 100 stores to the USA.

My wife has a habit of booking flights in the middle of the night. She is traveling with 3 (count 'em) children to FL leaving at 6:05AM... From TULSA, two hours away. Guess who gets to drop her off and then got to work. She was nice enough to book my ticket for a few days later when my schedule clears. I'm leaving on a weekend... at 6:05AM... from TULSA! Which is still two hours away.

Did i mention that she plans to take their luggage, stroller, and pack-n-play and the five of us in a Jeep Compass?